Originally Posted by FallCreekFan
I did some more searching and found this Forbes article on the case and the arguments.
Justice Sotomayor's comments seem to strike to the heart of the issue.
BTW the wife did not give consent.

Depends on which story you read: "Officers instead seized the guns and ammunition after his wife showed him where they were. She was told, she said, that her husband had agreed to the seizure. Caniglia was released from the hospital the same day." that certainly seems to imply consent, although it is likely the wife was not familiar enough with the law to recognize she could refuse the search.

Link: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/c...court-heard-about-it-in-2021/ar-BB1eVxeQ

I have become addicted to English hammered shotguns to the detriment of my wallet.