I really do not know what to say you folks have really put me on the back foot with all of your kindness. Now I will say that I can still give those fast moving clay's a hard time when I do eventually break a few, and I remind myself that at my age it is like fishing you do not expect to catch them all. I have good peripheral vision so the world does look like it always did, it only starts to have a mind of its own when I try to look close up at small items also news print and monitors though I do have a news print reading aid for books etc. Though between ourselves full stops comers and other small punctuation marks are now starting to slip past me unnoticed with the odd spelling faux pas. I will do that thing politicians hate to do a "U" turn and keep with you all until it becomes really impossible for me. Thank you all once again for all that you have said, that sort of thing never happens to me only other people, So what I would finally like to say is lets put my problem at the back of the shelf out of sight and out of mind for the foreseeable future and I will continue to take the Medication.

Thank you all Ernie.

The only lessons in my life I truly did learn from where the ones I paid for!