Amigo-- The German Iron Cross dates back to the Napoleonic Era and the resultant war in which the Russian Winter kicked Nappy back to France with his tail between his legs-- It was reinstated for WW1, with the addition of the Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross- By then there were two classes to the Iron Cross, 2nd. Class (Awarded to Hitler), first Class, and then the Knight's Cross-- in 1939 about the time of the invasion of Poland, Hitler added, in order- the oak leaves, the swords, the diamonds, and lastly-1944 the gold oak leaves. To the best of my knowledge, as I have studied the Luftwaffe Aces and their histories, I believe only Erich Rudel was the only pilot from 1940 through the end of the War (ETO) to receive the complete programme of all Luftwaffe Aces being so honored. In WW1, German pilots in the realm of Baron Manfred Von Richtofen and his wingman- Hermann Goering- received The Blue Max award--

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..