Originally Posted By: Argo44
" ... This is a rough translation - but it seems clear that the Raye "SUPRA" barrel was first intended to be a spreader shotgun barrel - and secondarily a rifled ball barrel. I would think this falls between a shotgun and a cape gun...a very interesting concept.

Hello Argo44,
Thanks for the reply.

You have done a wonderful job of translating. Thank you so much.

I'm very pleased to have acquired a copy of this pamphlet that proves that the Factory intended the rifled barrel to be used with both shot and ball.

".... our new Raye barrel permits one to fire a round conical ball or a ball “MF,” with precision sufficient for a distance of 50 to 100 meters.

Interesting is the coincidence that I tested the shotshell pattern of the right barrel at 12 yards, and the pamphlet indicates 12-15 meters. Pretty close.
As I develop my "ball" loads, I'll stretch the testing to 50 - 100 yards to see how it performs. Nothing like rediscovering the 1930's.

BTW, I've had several PMs conversations with forum members here, and from other forums, telling me that this is a very, very, rare gun. smile