During my Navy days each command had a young officer who served as the Voting Officer. He put the word out, gave a brief, made sure you were registered, verified your legal residence, verified your identity and ordered your absentee ballot. He then took your sealed ballot and ensured that it got mailed out.

That is a big, big, difference to what we saw this time around.

I have no problem at all with absentee voting, but it should only be for people who cannot otherwise vote in their legal State of residence, or people with a true, disability or reason that prevents them from getting to the polls. It should not be a matter of simple convenience. Like everything else, the left found a way to fraud it to a certain degree.

The same with early voting. You should have a genuine reason, not just because you are "too busy" on Election Day or you don't want to stand in line. It is out of control.

And yes, you should prove you are who you say you are prior to voting. And finally, enough of the selective Constitutional or Fundamental rights. You either support and believe in the Constitution or you don't. You don't have a line item veto on it's contents.