And, we get yet another reminder of the type of person that is supposed to be tolerated while they wreck blue states.

A consideration could be a college bound child, and if in-state institutions and tuition is desireable? Don't rule out cost of living and taxes. States like nca cheers for may have pockets of honest, genuine right leaning residents, but you'll have to think about nca's lies when you write the check for taxes that serve him, not you and your family.

Maybe, the answer is a modest part time place, situated on the edge of public land that does not have access roads in the area, or allow motorized vehicle access? Maybe, don't overly commit to a big move as your son may not be quite ready to leave the nest just because he starts college, and you and your wife may see benefit in being close to where he settle when he's all grown up?

Mostly, just keep the the knowledge that there is no common ground when dealing with an nca, either as a neighbor or in the state or local government of HIS stand.