First, I'd have to agree with the Bishops who stated that the greater moral responsibility lies with the researchers who utilized that form of confirmatory testing. Then I'd note that it is apparent that you do not understand the difference between creation of the vaccine, and different methods of testing the results.

Because of pro-death, pro baby-killing, anti-gun Democrats, some of our tax dollars are used to fund Planned Parenthood and thus related directly to the abortion industry. That does not mean that we are morally responsible... unless we actually support it and choose to allow it to stand. That is what you and rocky mtn bill and other Libtards do when you vote for anti-gunners. You directly support infringing upon the 2nd Amendment. I don't expect we will see you or Billy questioning Altzheimer Joe going to a Catholic Church and receiving Communion, when he votes for and helps to fund abortion.

Originally Posted By: nca225

It looks like SDH-MT's approach is not lost on you.

Wrong again idiot. Unlike SDH-MT, I did not call you on Feb. 2, 2019 at 3:07 PM from (406) 222-9377 in Livingston, Montana in an obvious drunken stupor. I did not then proceed to scream vulgar physical threats, and then after 2 min. and 18 seconds, hang up in fear with a quivering cracking voice. Steven didn't like me repeating the details of his cowardly phone threat, so he later responded with his tall tale about hiring a private investigator to sit across the road from my house. He then provided a false narrative about my residence, my living arrangements, my employment history, my physical appearance, and even the truck I drive.

In other words, he is a lot like you Sissy Chrissy nca225. Cut from the same cloth. Birds of a feather, as you said earlier.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.