FAIR also made the Cortona line of O/Us for Kalispell (the case company). Those chokes are interchangeable with the Verona O/Us by FAIR.

HoJo: You need to follow this thread a bit more closely. Verona is just a brand name (like Charles Daly), and they had guns made for the Verona label by various companies (as did Charles Daly). The O/Us were by FAIR and the semi autos were by a Turkish outfit. So, Stan's Verona OUs are not Turkish.

I think the NEA guns were also from FAIR, but my memory is getting hazy on that one.

When Sig USA tried to crack the shotgun market about 20 years ago, they started with the SA3 and the SA5. As I recall, the SA3s were built by FAIR and the SA5s were built by B.Rizzini. Two different guns with the Sig label on them, but the choke tubes were not interchangeable.