Obviously abstract thinking - the capacity to synthesize ideas and concepts (or any thinkin') is a challenge for you jOe.
Try to follow.
The OP asked about spots on his pattern welded barrel.
It is not unreasonable to postulate that the spots were an attempt to cover up something.
That something may have been an inclusion at the surface of the barrel. I provided a picture.
The barrel also has lots of red spots - which appear to be on the surface (like on the breech of this unfortunate double).
Someone following the thread with a spark of intellectual curiosity might have an interest in "red spots" within pattern welded barrels. I provided some images thereof.
150 years ago, James Dalziel Dougall called them "greys" and said they were "specks in the iron from rust"
Bro. Dougall unfortunately did not have access to Optical Emission Spectroscopy nor Scanning Electron Microscopy
40 years later Greener 'splained that they were scale.
Keith has explained that these RED spots within the metal are not an iron oxide.

Do yOu have a headache yet jOe? Take a nap and it should resOlve.