Originally Posted By: SKB
Oh it is always about you and your princess Billie K isn't it?

This is a private forum Bozo, You are not entitled to free speech here.

Maybe read that Constitution sometime, You might learn something.

Hahaha, this is hilarious... coming from the Official State Fruit of Colorado, Queen Stevie! Once Queen Stevie exited the birth canal, he/she never wanted anything to do with a woman ever again.

After I got home from deer hunting last night, I was entertained to see how Queen Stevie told us how extremely busy he/she was... just swamped with gunsmithing work. This was while Queen Stevie was repeatedly checking in and posting here all day, and attempting to disrupt yet another gun rights thread. Queen Stevie was also once again repeatedly knocking Republicans while never uttering a peep about anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats. I guess that's why John Roberts recently asked:

Originally Posted By: John Roberts
Steve, Are you a Democrat?


Sometimes we ask questions that we already know the answer to. Of course, the Democrats are all about rights for fruitcakes, so it all makes sense for Queen Stevie.

Now all we need is a two-faced Canadian weasel to cry that I started it.

Still pulling the trigger... Libtard hunting 101!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.