Originally Posted By: PALUNC
If I am to believe what I am seeing with English Best gun prices the ones I own has decreased in value by at least 25%.
That is a hard pill to swallow.

It is hard to say this without coming across as callous, and I don't mean to Mike, but did you really expect otherwise, going in? If so, wasn't that expectation a bit unrealistic?

I have a rather large amalgamation of doubles. I never bought a one of them with any thought as to what they would be worth if, and when, I decide I don't want them anymore. I bought them to use, and enjoy.

This is not unlike watching interest rates. Those who have lots of cash invested bemoan low rates. Those who borrow to leverage those funds into other investments, like land, love low interest. In comparison some, who bought in with the "investment attitude", and who are reaching their "winter" in life, and own Bosses and Woodwards bemoan the doublegun market. Those who are hoping to buy their first one watch with eager anticipation. I'm pretty much nonchalant.

Best to you, SRH

May God bless America and those who defend her.