I ordered a heavy half round barrel.

During the time I've been waiting, I've seen at least two such barrels sold on their 'in stock' rifles. That's not the cause of the delay.

That's a bit of a thorn in my side. They claim these are all 'custon rifles' yet they build rifles for stock while customers wait.

The Goodman deal is curious. He has a good reputation to deal with, but the math argues against much of a profit for him unless Shiloh gives him a considerable price break. Obviously, his real deal is confidential but a $200 fee per rifle with deposits on 8 dozen rifles tied up for 2 years at a time? It's hard to figure, except that when they are making rifles for Goodman or for stock to sell on their web page, the other customers some of whom have paid in full for their rifles wait.

The people on their own forum are very polite and there is no complaining about the delivery time.

I understand it's a quality product. That's why I chose them.

The business is for sale, the owners want to retire. i have no idea what problems they have as far as obtaining steel and wood nor what their likely aging workforce challenges are.

I just want my rifle before i become too old to use it

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble