Sorry to hi jack the thread some observations on gun fitting .Something I did for many years.

1 Providing the overall parameters are correct , you learn to shoot the gun.

2 You can not fit a gun to a man who cant shoot .

3You can not fit a gun to a man who wont listen.

4 Stance and mount and you control of the gun are 60% plus of most problems .

5 Beware the man at the club who knows everything .

6 Until you are sure you need help stay with one type of cartridge and one set of chokes to be as consistent as possible.

7 Dont be fooled by the " expert" who has set ideas as to what you need , ie. I like a long stock and shoot well , so if you have a long stock you will shoot well.

8 Every one is different and its what you need not always what you think you need .

9 We have to face it some of us will never be good shots no matter how much we spend , how many lessons or what you have done or fitted to your gun .

10 If you miss its you , not the gun ,not the cartridge , not the choke , not your glasses . Do not listen to the voice in your head that tells you otherwise.