I had a 2” 12. Neat little gun but a very limited use gun. I could do everything just as well with a 20 that I could with it. Much more in fact. There is a reason you don’t see many of them. They were a gun created for a specialized niche which never really existed. To get the weight down the barrels were struck very thin from the factory. Both barrels on mine were choked IM and patterned beautifully. Super light, easy to carry and a bit of a whipped wand. But those thin barrels were a real dent risk in real hunting conditions. Real care. If dented removing a simple dent could create a ultra thin area. Most 2” I see for sale at Holts have had dents just repaired. Like their guns it’s warns each owner this gun just used up its one dent limit.

I was looking into joining a real interesting upland, quail, club. When I was doing my research I discovered 12 bores of all types were banned. It was funny to me that I could shoot any 20 gauge gun and ammo combination but could not shoot a lighter 12 load at all.

My advise is if you want a 2” 12 be very careful in what you buy. Condition is everything because when you later go to sell it they will use an electron microscope on it. Buy it at your price. Figure on keeping it a couple years then finding something else as your next dream gun.