Hi Keith Im saddened that a month to reflect hasnt given rise to a change in your perspective. Your best bet would be to get out a bit more and make some friends. Concentrate on enjoying your shooting and draw a line under your anger. It would be far healthier for you to find common ground with fellow contributors instead of continually waging proxy wars on behalf of dodgy politicians, as most of them are, and tying yourself in knots with your bitter postings. Your preoccupation with how clever fellow contributors are ,or rather their perceived lack of intelligence by yourself , is obsessive and a pitfall. Frequently, perceived higher intelligence leads to arrogance and a lack of empathy for others and isnt always the positive trait that one may expect or hope for.If the picture painted in the private investigator deleted thread of a sad ,overweight ,unkempt ,shuffling ,bitter ,old guy living in a garage unable to sustain relationships is even half true you would be more constructively employed working on finding common ground with the FUDDS of this world as you call them as they frequently have a better outlook on life than I witness in your increasingly disturbing posts. Of course those criticisms arent relevant to just you but it seems that participating in combative threads is taking a heavier toll on you than most other contributors.

Last edited by Konor3inch; 10/04/20 02:57 AM. Reason: Addition