Originally Posted By: Run With The Fox
You forgot the Rothschilds- affecting the World economy and the International Money lending scenario world-wide long before John Peirpont Morgan got his nickname "The Nose"-if they (Rothschilds) aren't of the "Hebrew Persuasion" well then George Soros is a life member of the NRA. RWTF

You may forget RWTF, that for centuries your precious Church banned the lending of money and earning of interest. Thus a hole opened for those not constrained by the ridiculous and backwards edicts of the Church. The Jews served that market. Learn your history. There is more to history than the meaningless musings of your buddy Hemingway. There was never a planned nefarious plot by Jews to run the financial world. It was abandoned to them so they took advantage of it in...one of the only professions we allowed them to have. If it came back to bite us (I don't really think it did but you seem to think so) than we have only ourselves and our myopic Church to blame.

Last edited by canvasback; 10/03/20 04:42 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia