bETTERS"- BS unlimited. To further Fubar the South, the Northern Jewish big money interests sent carpetbaggers to invade Dixie, confuse the already confused darkies, who couldn't read or write, much less make their way into the world outside the plantations, where they had- gainful work, food, shelter. The rich families of the Nawthern Industrial Revolution, later known as the Robber Barons, fubared the Southern economy when they tried to end slavery- based on the notion espoused by "Uncle Tom's Cabin" that slavery was wrong- let ignored the endentured servants scheme used by the Northen money interests. Always have wondered if Steven Douglas had trounced Abe in 1860, if he would have been smart enough to allow the sOUTH to seccede from the Union- 640xxx American boys and men paid the grave price for Lincoln's "meddlesome ways"-- RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..