Six years ago I visited CSMC to look at some rifles about which I had been communicating with them for a couple weeks. The salesmen who met me was a young guy from Eastern Europe, bright, professional, never discourteous but on the edge of treating me like a tire kicker. One of the rifles was a German sxs that at first glance was exactly what I wanted. Then I noticed the unrepaired cracked wrist and other material problems. Yes, he said, those are real issues. Why didn't you tell me on the phone, I asked. We set that gun aside.
And so it went, though I probably should have bought the sxs rifled 20 ga. shotgun, even when the young man handed me the brochure and told me the price had just gone up $1,200 while I was standing there.
CSMC is a heck of an impressive place. I enjoyed looking around. They have a huge collection of classic, high value guns, many of which I am sure do not have undeclared cracked wrists. But my experience that day waved me off, and I never did do any business with them. I do like the idea of CSMC being successful and sticking around.

NRA Life
PA Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs Life
PA Trappers Association Life