I concur Suh- in spades (doubled and redoubled, if I can quote the late Nash Buckingham-- In April 2019 Stan and I concluded a gun transaction- He purchased a 3E 12 gauge Smith I owned-and of all the gun transactions Interstate I have been involved with in the past 25 years- this was the absolute finest -- we chatted on the phone afterwards, he was most gracious to invite Mae and I to stop in and visit with him and accept his invite to hunt with him and his son back then.

I hope and pray for Stan's overcoming this scenario. My closest friends here in MI are farmers: honest, hard working, no false pretenses- and Stan and his son, going back to Stan's Grandpa, were and are "men of the soil"-- those who wrestle a living from their land, facing Mother Nature every day--

Know that Mae and I are praying for Stan and all his family. I am positive that he and Jean will come through this situation, and that soon Stan will be out after those "coo-coo mourners" with a favorite .410 bore doublegun in hand". RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..