You are correct you did not say safe space, however your position that someone with Views you disagree with should have the good manners not to post them when those views are neither illegal nor immoral, but political difference amount to the exact thing. That is the very thing the cancel culture seeks to do, silence.

You may not see it that way, but I cannot see it any other way.

We just have remain in disagreement.

No I do not see asking for people to stay on topic as wrong.

I am not encouraging violent discussion, I am saying disagreement does not require disrespect. I can completely disagree with King Brown or others and not call him vulgar names etc.

Your solution that the minimal few on this board who believe differently than you on politics are the Problem and they should remain silent is wrong. I like you may believe their views are erroneous, but somehow I am able to avoid the lows some others, not you, take.

The problem is posters (more than just Keith) who do not obey the boards rules, which allow a fair amount of room to disagree without being disgusting.

I believe civility is possible, though unlikely without active webmaster support.

Last edited by old colonel; 08/25/20 05:11 PM.

Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS