Originally Posted By: nca225
....That is an amazing amount of burden shifting going on here.

All of the onus to behave is on the lefty democrats to "behave" and better make sure not one of them mention something that could upset your sensitive ears.

I have to admit, that sounds a lot like what I heard around here over a year before about letting african americans partake at a "public" beach (featuring a bunch of trump signs) in the south, that they were welcomed so long as they behaved, treated the white women properly and didn't swear.

You may want to reflect a minute on why you think your getting "trolled" and what exactly that "trolling" is.

And frankly, if you think being confronted with facts and truth is trolling, well then, there is not much more that could be said about that.

Uh oh, it is woke and has been victimized. At great risk of being shredded by progressive talking points Ill ask, why are you checking out the fellows at the beach?