I also start with a .410. In this case Winchester 42 Pigeon grade. Next day Winchester 42 High Grade. Third day Crescent .410 which was my late uncles quail gun. After that it will be which ever gun seems to need getting out. A 37/28ga, any of a dozen 20 side by sides or four or five 20 & 12 hammer guns. Shells all loaded for everything.

My uncle killed more quail with it, than I have Doves in my lifetime and I have killed a decent number. By the end, a case of Polio as a child and arthritis made it hard for him to even walk. Never heard him complain about anything. He refused to even get a handicapped sticker for his car. Shamed a lot of family members into not getting one as well. Worked until he died at 80. Happy to be working, as an accountant. Mind was sharp as a tack, trapped in a body that could not....