Originally Posted By: BrentD
This is what I use, but one of them, only on bike chains

Oh now you are just showing off with that can of Sperm Oil LOL :-)

Been almost 3/4's of a Century since you could get that.

Spent my first 7 years in the Navy up and down the West Coast deployed out of bases, except for a year in Wa. in the yards. In 83 took the USS Coral Sea around the World. They flew me back to get my FJ55 Iron Pig and worldly possessions which was guns, reloaders, and camping gear. Walked to the end of the pier so I could say that I actually been around the world then got on I80 and headed East.

Only stopped for gas the whole way back then not a lot of 24 hour stations so would pull in at night and wait for them to wake me up in the morning when they opened. Besides that I only made one stop. In Iowa....

Not sure how they are now but back then only a lobby and a desk I was expecting to "shop" around. But they had a catalog that you could order from. Already knew that I wanted the screwdriver set. Had a lot of the books including gunsmith kinks, etc. Lady at the desk must have felt my disappointment and asked if I wanted to sign the guest book which I did. But wasn't sure what to put where I was from. I am in there in the book though. Not that anyone will ever look in it.

I have the same anti slip router mat on my reloading bench. Although this is a really old picture before I got the automate that Ben down in Iowa invented and eventually sold to MEC as the 9000E. Have a lot of presses now mainly 9K MECS for shotgun. And they all can be run by the original automate.

And good memories. Thank you for that.

They haven't made 12 pounds kegs since the mid 80's. My Toller back then was underfoot and I picked him up on a whim and parked him in the keg and was able to snap a pic before he jumped out. That was a long time ago. But a picture I treasure.

Originally Posted By: Shotgunjones
It's not the gun that makes the sportsman Hal.

The Brits generally consider repeating shotguns an abomination and game destroyers, yet they have no problem with a man using a pair of classics with an assistant to keep up a high rate of fire.

Done skillfully, that's faster than I can shove shells in a Benelli playing a 'flurry' game at clay targets.

I like automatic shotguns of all designs. They are as much the history of this sport as any other type.

Do they represent 'progress'? Matter of opinion. They are fun to shoot, and the better ones have dynamics that facilitate good results in the field and on the clays courses.

Problem is, I like them all. I'm just happy pulling a trigger... or two triggers as the case may be.

I am afflicted by the same disease!

And would be honored to be squaded with you any time.

For the last 2 years have tried to stay with my SxS guns for clays and have. Last year picked up a Cordoba 30" end of life for ~1K already knew the 30" SS was the way to go when they first came out. Only put around 500 rounds through it because trying to stay with my SxS guns. Grew up with Ithaca 37's because where I grew up if you didn't shoot them or an 870 you must be a Communist in the 60's and 70's. Or even worse, a damn flatlander from Jersey or Philly.

About the H&K Benelli guns my Ex FIL bought one of the first ones. He gave my son his O\U Browning's and other O\U's with receipts from purchase to refinish. He shot a lot and so did I. After 24 years of marriage to his daughter when she left to go "find herself" we still remained best friends.

After many years of shooting he landed on the Benelli and had one of the first ones imported to the US. 28" and setup for left hand. He shot at least 200 rounds of skeet a week plus hunting and sporting clays with it for years. After ~60K rounds it started to have problems ejecting shells.

Happened to be "back home" with him and we put it in the vise in the barn. He had never had it apart. The mag tube was full of seed heads and debris. Trying to take the stock spring out through had me worried with how much torque we had to apply. told Jack that we should brace it better and we did. Finally figured out that Benelli had used locktite on the stock bolt screw to hold the spring in. Asked him if him if had a torch which being an electrician he did and we heated it up and busted it free.

Was as dirty as the mag tube spring with crap. Had dial up internet and found out the spring was compressed an inch and a half beyond spec. We cleaned everything up and stretched the spring to specs. Has worked flawless since then and the gun is sitting in my safe. With his other guns. Because it is a 28" and doesn't handle the best for me or my son we don't shot it. But I will never get rid of it.

But you will never pry my 12 ga. 26" Benelli Ultralight from my cold dead hand when it comes to killing phez.

Which is not a joke. He called me before Rock Mountain was throwing tipples and was nervous and said he wished I could be there with him. We had a good talk but it will never be good enough.

He died of a massive heart attack shooting those triples the next day. I posted a tribute to him back then 11 years ago, but it still doesn't do him justice.

yes the good do die young

He was only 69