Its gotta be the linseed oil. That looks like the art supply stuff. Go to a paint store and get BOILED linseed oil. You don t need a lot of dryer. Remember that your spar var and linseed oil mix does not dry the way paint dries. Once the solvents flash off, the oil polymerizes. Its a chemical reaction. On unfinished wood, your first application should be 60-70% solvent. Apply liberally, let it soak in, wipe everything off, and walk away until tomorrow. Repeat daily until finish starts to build. You can also wet sand the mixture into the pores after the first few applications. Start with 600 grit and work up to 1500-3000 grit, depending on how you want the finish to look. You can get the WD paper at any auto body supply or on Amazon. Wipe the surface dry after each application. Final finish should be IN the wood, not ON the wood.