Here are a couple CORRECT definitions of rift sawing for you Queen Stevie... even though you wish to cling to the oft-stated incorrect definition of rift sawn lumber.

Many sources also tell us that rift sawn lumber is more expensive because so much of the log ends up as waste. But the cut illustration your pal BrentD produced to try to save you from your stupidity would generate no more waste than quartersawn.

I don't believe everything I read on the internet. And when someone tells me something that is contradicted by their next sentence, I am intelligent enough to take note of it and look for the correct answer. You are not. And neither was BrentD when he responded to my post about rift sawing with an incorrect illustration. We all saw that same tendency in BrentD when he refused to explain all of the wildly varying statements made concerning what constitutes a lethal dose of lead in the blood of waterfowl that is quoted in the anti-lead ammunition junk science he clings to. Rather than admit he might be wrong, that was when he decided to pretend to IGNORE my posts... which is another joke.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.