Well now, it looks as if we are in for another demonstration of the mental illness called Liberalism... courtesy of two of our complete Libturd idiots here who support and defend anti-gunners:

Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Ted, Craig, What strikes you as senseless destruction and historical erasure is a point of view that says we really ought to accept a third of our citizens as second and third rate in their basic rights. Like most conservatives, you can't figure out how, if you've somehow managed to succeed, anybody else couldn't also. It's almost a fair question. Our glorious leader's work throughout the plague has been a wonder to behold. We had it licked here, but it's back now worse than ever. One thing we have in common though: we're all in the vulnerable age group along with the man himself. Aren't you glad he's on your side?

Originally Posted By: nca225

According to your buddies here Geo, they are telling you its just the flu. I for one hope you continue to wear your mask and stay safe and healthy. You are part of the of the vulnerable group. And sorry of you catch any flak for believing in the science on this.

nca225 is simply too ignorant to understand a lot of things about covid19, or anything else.

Covid19 is indeed a viral illness with symptoms identical to many strains of what we call the flu. It is a respiratory illness that has a wide range of effects. So far, it is not nearly as contagious, virulent, or dangerous as some flu viruses such as the H1N1 Spanish Flu strain that killed upwards of 50 to 100 million people between 1917 and 1919.

After that, the Spanish Flu pretty much went away on its' own, since there was never any vaccine developed for it at that time. All through history, viral illnesses and flu have come and gone on their own, yet Donald Trump is castigated and criticized for observing that Covid19 could do the same.

This new covid19 virus is different and very dangerous mostly because of how it has been politicized. Liberal Democrats are lying to us about the severity and spread, making the absurdly false claim that the United States has the largest number of cases in the world.

Fact is, we don't even really know how many cases China has, because they have lied about the severity and spread since the beginning of the pandemic. They still report a total of only 83.605 cases... a number that has scarcely changed in months... in a country of 1.4 Billion people where Social Distancing is virtually impossible.


North Korea still claims zero covid19 cases, and Brazil reports over half as many cases as the U.S., with only one tenth as many total tests. Figures lie, and liars figure. And Fake News is not journalism. It is Liberal Lies.

But Libturds like rocky mtn bill and the transgender idiot nca225 would have you believe that the United States is worst in the world. Of course, we also must remember that more testing will naturally result in more confirmed cases. And there is also a political motivation now for over-reporting in an attempt to blame Trump for a viral pandemic. When it became apparent that Blue Liberal Democrat states such as New York were doing a very bad job of managing the virus outbreak, we suddenly saw a shift in numbers. We should also note that crowds at a Trump rally in a states where the total number of cases was among the lowest in the U.S. are irresponsible and dangerous. But crowds of Black Lives Matter protesters and looters in close proximity were deemed to not be a problem or vector fort disease spread.

These two are simply brainless Liberal Democrat sock-puppets.

But the bigger question about them trashing this thread is why old colonel Gladys Kravitz and her wormy pals never seem to have any problem with it. I know the answer to that, and it has nothing to do with honesty, integrity, or concern for this forum.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.