Interesting read Drew. My fist question to mind is, has the world changed? And the answer in almost all countries is no we still heve same problems, slightly changed in a more modern world but, still the same. Companies continue to rely on the lowest paid workers where ever they are, China being the pointing finger today. Yesterday it was Taiwan and before than Japan and after China who....South America or Africa....take your pick. Does industry work any differently than a 100 years ago. No it doesn't. Where are the most sought after electronics coming from. Reading the label it could be from Mexico, Taiwan, China, Malaysia, Philippines, and slowly becoming prominent countries in Africa. The cottage industry still thrives but in a global market place.

My original post wasn't to understand how micro and macro economics work, but more to decipher who in Belgium made complete guns and when reading the mfg'er label on a gun, in this day, can you really understand what is under the surface in workmanship and quality?

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.