Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Ted, I missed your post about OBL favoring Biden. If you could, please post it again. In the meantime, perhaps you could explain what possible significance to anything current that information could have. Your bringing it up seems to suggest that Biden is soft on terrorism. If that's your point, why not just say it and reveal what a sorry-ass stooge you've become for some alternative- fact universe?

Reading a post by you always reinforces for me the notion you went through life and missed most everything, bill, and nothing I say or do will change that sorry ass fact.

I didnt hide it, bill. Get off your lazy liberal ass and find it.

Almost noon, here. Have a cocktail. Have several, bill.

For that girl that married me:


Happy anniversary, honey!


I dont always listen to Crossfade, but, when I do, the neighbors do, too.