Originally Posted By: Stan
Originally Posted By: Dave Erickson
Unless it's a competitive league situation I never will understand why more SxS owners don't commit to shooting them for most or all of their clay targets. Not talking this site as it's about all about doubles here, but there's no greater shooting thrill than being on your game with a SxS either in the field or at the range.

Not being argumentative, Dave, just offering another perspective which, I highly suspect, is in the minority. I love my S X Ss, and have multiples more of them than my O/Us, pumps, and jammamatics combined. But, when I shoot clays I want to shoot the best score I can. Even when shooting with my buddies I want to be the high man on the squad. They all do, too. It is a given, over twenty years of experience, that I shoot 4-5 birds lower, on a 100 bird round, with my best S X S than with my MX8. If I shoot a great score with a S X S, I would have shot a higher score with the P gun, period.

What I really do love is being the first off the dove field when using my S X S. Maybe I'm just too competitive. Some say that being that way takes away the fun ........ baloney. Nobody out there loves it any better than I do. When I shoot by myself I'm competing against me, constantly wanting to improve. Don't feel sorry for me, I'm happy as a hog in a wallow.

Just another perspective, not necessarily carrying any weight.


No problem, Stan. Just different strokes. If I shot clays in a highly competitive environment I'd want every advantage, too. I just find it so enjoyable to shoot my SxS's I want to shoot them year round.