Hahaha... this is perfect!!!...

RARiddel insults both Billy and the transgender idiot nca225 by saying that being transgender or liberal is a mental disorder... And Billy thanks him for it.

Originally Posted By: RARiddell

Ok I totally agree with Bill on this one, transgender is a mental disorder like liberalism. We should all have compassion for those with that disorder, mocking them doesnt do anything.

Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
RARiddell, I feel better already. And, Keith, Lysol kills paranoia. Give it a try. Any change will be a gain. You have nothing to lose.

So sorry I had to work today, and missed all of the stupidity as Nancy-boy nca225 and Billy were actively posting. I'm glad Ted posted the link with Trump's actual words, proving he never told anyone to inject or drink Lysol or bleach.

Naturally, Trump's actual words were not good enough for Nancy-boy, who had to question Ted's source. Then this Libtard Democrat sock-puppet does his own dump of demonstrably biased and dishonest Liberal Left Democrat sources... including Snopes.

Snopes is such a biased and dishonest fact-checker, that they actually claimed that it was false that the Democrats did not display the U.S. flag st the start of the last Democrats National Convention. However, there was both photographic and video evidence showing no flags being displayed. Better yet, the DNC totally discredited Snopes by apologizing for not displaying the U.S. flag.

Ted also did a great job of reminding these two Libtard idiots that states with Democrats in power have the absolute worst numbers of Covid19 cases and deaths. But it is even worse than Ted said. Check out the top ten worst states to see how many bastions of Libtardism you see.

This is not surprising, since we all know by now that states and cities controlled by Democrats are typically the worst, of the worst when it comes to having high taxes, high violent crime rates, high poverty, poor education systems, homelessness, corruption, debt, unemployment, drug problems, and gun control... lots of gun control.

It is equally amusing to see Nancy-boy making excuses for putting elderly nursing home patients in danger. If Trump had done it, we'd never be able to shut them up, and I have no doubt our Libtards will find some way to blame Trump anyway.

Nancy-boy is also upset with Ted for bringing up the fact that the Obama administration depleted the supply of N-95 masks, and didn't replace them. Nancy-boy nca225 thinks it is unfair to blame Obama for something that happened 4 years ago. But these Libtards were still blaming Bush and Cheney for all of the Nation's ills 8 years later, including not fixing immigration problems... even after Democrats controlled the House, Senate, and White House.

Demented indeed.... And as dishonest as can be. And did I mention that they are even stupid enough to vote for extreme anti-gun Democrats like Alzheimer Joe Biden? You can't get much dumber than coming to a firearms enthusiasts forum and attempting to get gun owners to vote against their interests, and for someone like Biden who absolutely will violate our 2nd Amendment Rights.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.