Originally Posted By: Tim in PA
Actually, its the other way around. Nursing homes aren't set up to deal with life threatening illnesses. Residents of these facilities are generally suffering from stable health problems, when they require more than basic health care, they get sent to a hospital. The naval ship was set up as a hospital, which would be where elderly covid patients should go, not a nursing home.

Well, yah. Unless a dem is in charge. Makes you wonder what is in it for them when they give higher priority to the refrigerated semi temporary morgues then to the temporary hospitals. What is in it for them?

Chris has moved up from quoting the McPaper to Icelandic times. Like Craig said, careful what links you click on, this isnt moving up in the world.

No ride today, Lonny. Visiting disabled family. Yes, it is Sunday. Bike is down for shims at the moment. Shim over bucket is the hot tip, if you are doing it yourself.


Sunday, but, the liquor store is still open. Good thing, I got some stuff to do.