As Craig pointed out, there were more than adequate hospital beds in every one of those States, some of them put there quickly, on a Federal level. You point out each state had a department of health that made the decision to warehouse the sick with the population most likely to be killed by it and ask why, ignoring who has been in charge of those states for the past 50+ years.

Idiots. And the lackeys of those same idiots. There will be no disabusing what is plainly obvious. The leadership in those states are oblivious.

Put the virus victims with the elderly in the nursing homes. What could possibly go wrong? To use some worn out lefty logic, how about we say “If there was even one fatality from this, how about we have a war crimes tribunal, and, just like in the real world or the military, the leadership hangs along with the scrubs who did it?”

Nice to see you aren’t quoting the McPaper today, Chris.

So, you never got back on the question of who left the Federal supply of N95 masks depleted, after the SARS epidemic?
