Originally Posted By: Ted Schefelbein

All a Twitter over a widely spread statement, and virtually ignoring the consequences of the leftist governors of New York, New Jersey, and California seeing to it that the nations most vulnerable population actually had COVID19 patients put into nursing homes with the unlucky oldsters who resided there.

A war crime. Collateral damage is the hallmark of good leftist leadership, always.


Top that one, Chris.


Oh that is easy one ted.

here ya go, this idiot, in general:



here is another one of the same idiot:


I could go on and on ted as the list of sources for this inexhaustible, but you get the point..I think...but since you have been showing your density lately, the point is straddling our country with the absolute dumbest person in history to be president, destroying our credibility, making a mockery of American greatness across the world, selling out our national interests to our adversaries and then sitting around playing tweedle dumb during a pandemic is the crime of the century ted. One you participated in.

I know for a hayseed like you this is difficult stuff to figure out. Just about as difficult as taking a Partridge on the wing, hence your proclivity for ground shooting.

Still, I could go on highlighting these shortcomings, but I don't need to pick low hanging fruit.

On to your article.

First off, credit is due where credit is due. I appreciate your are attempting to make a point by citing a reputable source of information. Well done. The NYT is many levels above americanthinker. Keep it up.

As for your premise, I have a question...Did you actually read the article? I ask because if you had, you would realize that your assumption is, as per usual, wrong.

The guidelines requiring this that these states have in place were done at the direction and put into effect by officials at each State's respective Department of health. Not by the democratic Governors. Sorry, It appears that Governor Cuomo didn't create this, however he is keeping this in effect, but why? Maybe the answer to that draws into consideration a bigger question. What to do with the elderly covid patients, whom were in a facility? If they have Covid, but don't require a hospital bed, where do they go? They were in a facility before, and the hospital now needs their bed for a new patient, so they can't stay at the hospital.

Do you send them home? They were in a facility for a reason, probably because they required an assisted living environment, so sending them home to take care of themselves is a no go. Do you send them to live with the their family? Now you have exposed them, and chances are they were in a facility because their family could not give them the appropriate care, so home with family isn't an option either.

Do you send them out on the street? That ain't gonna happen.

Sadly the best option is to put them back in a facility, as alluded to in the article you cited.

"But states are increasingly turning to nursing homes to relieve the burden on hospitals and take in Covid-19 patients considered stable enough to be released."

You will note, that it indicates "States" Not just NY, NJ and CA. In fact the article goes onto state...

"Beth Martino, spokeswoman for the American Health Care Association, which represents nursing homes and assisted-living facilities, said her association had heard that a number of states were considering measures similar to those in California, New Jersey and New York. But many others haven’t offered any guidance on the matter."

You will also note, that your premise that these facilities have to take on these patients is incorrect. The article clearly states that the nursing homes have to be able to take these patients in only is it is safe to do so.

"Mr. Cuomo reiterated that nursing homes had to accept the patients — but only, he clarified, if they could do so safely. Homes unable to comply should transfer them to other facilities or notify the state Health Department"

It does not seem that these facilities have no choice does it ted?

As you can see, a thorough read of your article reveals an understanding inconsistent with your premise.

Perhaps some confirmation bias got in the way of clear thinking ted?

What the NYT article does do is give a pretty good indictment of our healthcare system in general.

Several places thoughout show where the lack of funding, lack of PPE and financial incentives on behalf the nursing homes themselves compelled them to re-admit these patients.

"Richard Mollot, executive director of the Long Term Care Community Coalition in New York, an advocacy group for residents, said he had heard of several nursing homes that had declined. But the vast majority, he said, have a “tremendous financial incentive” to take in new patients."

It also seems that it is the Democrats that are seeking to change this:

"Jonathan G. Jacobson, a Democratic assemblyman whose district includes Poughkeepsie, has urged New York health officials to reverse the directive, calling it “misguided.”

FWIW, I agree that it is misguided. The approach CT and MA are taking seems to be a better one:

"Connecticut and Massachusetts both set aside facilities to care for Covid-19 patients. One in Connecticut started accepting patients from hospitals last week. Massachusetts emptied one site of other residents and reopened seven closed facilities to treat positive patients."

Did you also see that the article also highlighted the alternative? As spelled out by your article, lets look at the plight of poor Mr. Stubits.

"Without clear guidelines, patients in hospitals faced the question of where they should go if nobody wants them.

John Stubits, 96, a former civil engineer, was sent by a Michigan memory care center to a nearby hospital on March 30, where he tested positive for the virus. He briefly improved, and the hospital searched for somewhere to discharge him, according to his daughter, Eva Stubits. His previous residence would not accept him unless he tested negative for the infection; no other home in the state would take him.

John Stubits, 96, was being treated for the coronavirus when his hospital discharged him to a nursing home.

Ms. Stubits said she was told that her father would be sent to a home in Ohio, more than an hour away. But those plans unraveled when Mr. Stubits became much sicker. Last week, his daughter learned that the hospital planned to send her father to a nursing home in Detroit with poor ratings. After many phone calls, Ms. Stubits found another home about 30 minutes away from his previous residence.

“The hospitals are desperate to get them out, and they don’t care where they go,” she said. “If you don’t know any better, your relative could end up in a really bad place.”

Despite everything, on Friday, Mr. Stubits died at the nursing home.

Its a sh!tty situation for everybody ted, especially for areas of high population density, sh!tty for hospitals, nursing homes, and medical professionals. Its shitty because the Federal Government"s approach is to do nothing, but bluster about how high the dear leader's television rating are.


We are in this shitty situation because of that idiot's complete and total incompetence. An idiot you put in charge.

Keep on flailing. Too funny. But if you have the wherewithal to counter with some reasoned thought and facts, have at it. Although I'm doubtful. The last time I showed you were factually incorrect over the amount of net gain of jobs under the Obama administration, you flew away from that more gracefully then the Sally Field as the Flying Nun. Which is why I doubt that you have any courage for any conviction.

Be a good sheep. HomelessAsshole is lurking.

Last edited by nca225; 04/26/20 12:31 PM.

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