I once read an interesting account of one of Annie's European tours. I don't recall the date, but she was currently in France. At that time all ammunition was manufactured by the "Government" & any other was not allowed to be brought in. Her husband, Frank Butler, loaded all her shells for her. The French powder was very erratic & patterns were not consistent so her shooting was sub-normal. One day a large box arrived from England marked eggs, which had of course been opened & inspected. The box was indeed full of eggs, packed in a granular substance to prevent breakage. An accompanying letter said, try the packing in your gun I think you will like it. A friend seeing her dilemma had the eggs shipped, packed in English Shultz gunpowder. Her shooting immediately picked up dramatically.

Sorry about that Ted, but French is not always the BEST. This also shows the dangers of giving the Government too much control.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra