George and Greybeard both have pretty well said it. I am a native born Texan and grew up in cotton country and have seen way more of the legacy of slavery than anyone would want to. I cherish my southern ties and my great grandfather on mothers side was with the Alabama infantry. Dads side took the opposite view and his grandfather was a yankee cavalryman from Union City, Tennessee. But, truth be told, I am thrilled the north won! And yes, the north has a lot of slaverys blood on its hands too.

I personally cant stand any symbol of white supremacy in any form! And unfortunately the confederate battle flag flying in the back of a pickup carries that image to me. But to demolish our memorials of those soldiers from the south is a travesty of monumental proportions. Lets honor the soldiers of both sides who together forged in blood the greatest nation the earth has ever seen!

When an old man dies a library burns to the ground. (Old African proverb)