Your acrid comments about corruption and greed in the Wall Street bunko game- rigged by Maddof, Milken and other Jewish money grubbers, recall the Union Carbide disaster some years ago-- One of the regulars in our poker group was a partner in E.F. Hutton, and he was planning to buy that disaster stock and "sell short" and make a huge profit over the suffering and misfortunes of others- No wonder when Jesus drove the crooked money changers from the Temple- the had surnames like- Goldman, Goldfarben, Sachs, Bloomberg et al.. I remember my Irish Catholic grandfather telling me that, having survived the great Depression, partly caused by buy on a 10% unregulated margin situation- that" No tree grows all the way up to the sky, son. It's a rigged game, one you can never win"

But I am also glad that I didn't "over-pay" when I was buying pre-64 Winchesters and pre-1913 L.C. Smiths--hard to liquidate today at a profit-IMO RWF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..