Wife and I moved our retirement over into safer instruments when the market hit 28,000 so I missed the peak by a clear 1,000 points. She was asking me tonight have I started buying stocks yet. She knows me too well. Told her I am going to wait until after Holt's next auction and see if any money is left.

Seriously if you have money on hand it is not unreasonable to start thinking about buying stocks soon. Today is not the time but let it drop another 10% and start looking for real values. Not as some fast buck, flip them and make a killing, but as a five to ten year plan for long term growth. If you have 20 years even better. I don't. Do you think Apple is done making money. When their stock drops 50% in a panic market it is time to look at buying more. It worked in 2008 and I expect it to work again, let it grow and reinvest to compound.