I never said that you posted any bluegrass music links. I was merely observing that your platitudes concerning posting content unrelated to double guns was predictably hypocritical.

I did understand craigd's post. He frequently uses a style of subtle sarcasm that really dumb guys like you and Billy have trouble grasping. He was addressing the rather disturbing thought that you would feel comfortable about permitting your child to travel to such a deadly dangerous place as the Wild West U.S. of A., and handle such deadly ordnance.

I'll ask him to dumb things down for you, but he would have to be brain dead to get down to your level.

You did not miss any apostrophes, but it now appears that you do not know the difference between an apostrophe and a comma. No surprise there brainchild.

I do note that you quickly ran away from your observation that the majority here are in agreement with you. Boy, talk about the silent majority... And invisible too! Then there's that little problem with the idea that you should keep weapons that have caused death, destruction, sadness, and distress. Don't you think a righteous anti-gun Troll like you should lead by example, and give up your shotgun and rifle? You could continue to fish, and take up bird-watching. You could trap those rabbits instead of cruelly shooting them. Have you no shame or no sympathy for the PETA people?

What a cowardly ignoramus you are. Run Konor run! Hurry up and change the subject, and you might fool rocky mtn bill.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.