Unfortunately craigd, Billy isn't nearly smart enough to understand the message you just gave to him.

A lot of people may not realize where this seemingly out of the blue statement came from:

Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....I'm a Democrat and proud to say so.

That was Billy finally answering the question I have asked him repeatedly for the last few weeks...

Do you support the 2nd Amendment...

... or are you a Democrat???

Billy knows as well as the rest of us that you really cannot be both, since the vast majority of Democrat politicians are out to strip law abiding citizens of some or all of their Constitutional Gun Rights.

Billy didn't have the stones to give that reply to that question in the thread where I posed it earlier today. He really hates the idea of having me reminding everyone that it is because of guys just like him that we are locked in a seemingly never ending fight to keep our guns and shooting rights. He is the reason we need to buy NRA memberships and donate money to NRA, 2nd Amendment Foundation, and various other State and private gun rights lobbying organizations.

Guys like Billy undermine us and they stab the rest of us in the back. I hope people who cherish their gun rights, and hope that their kids and grandkids are able to do the same, will remember that guys like Billy helps the anti-gunners in their quest to take our guns and our freedom to use guns. It is guys like Billy who vote and give power to anti-gunners like Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, and all the rest.

I hope that people remember this when Billy asks for advice, or tries to sell something, or is seeking to buy some gun part or accessory. We shouldn't help anti-gun enablers like Billy.

Embracing guys like Billy is as bad as bringing termites into your wood framed house.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.