Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
A small day for a team of friends might be $150.00 per guy....

....Jobs are scare in rural England. People don't get paid alot.
Changes like these are horrendously disruptive.

Thanks for the insight CZ. Not to question your first hand experiences, but I'd suspect there are also costs for licensing and other hoops to jump through for UK citizens, not visitors of means. What I'm not getting is how a couple of high school buddies can set out on a diy rabbit or bird hunt. How do you convince the next generation to carry on or start new traditions?

As to the jobs, yes I can understand personal devastation from the loss of a job when there wasn't much to start with. In the US, this same line of thinking would shut down the entire steel or coal industries among others without blinking an eye. In my mind, there's no stigma in not making as much as the city folks that're calling the shots. I hope these country folks of the UK don't get nitpicked into submission, it certainly has its successes in the US.