Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
All the folks who post here and who enjoy outdoor recreation must understand that protection for air, soil, and water are essential to any kind of future for our pursuits, right? Now, try to square that understanding with current presidential policy. It can't be done. As long as the only standard for measuring success is financial growth, then we can kiss outdoor recreation goodbye. Cut, dig, and drill. Let the grand kids deal with the consequences.

Anyone with the will to see knows that Montana is covered with superfund clean up sites, eh bill? Started by those who have come before, but certainly supported by your current President. Just think, if those Montanans that mined by hand in the eighteen hundreds just parked their arses in a tofu and latte shop in Bozeman high on weed, then all your visions would have been so, eh?

Ooops, that doesn't stir your feelings like the green deal, because while there is scientific proof that we are not leaving some consequesnces to our kids, there is also proof that you have no idea if you are helping your grand children in the slightest bit, huh bill? It's completely unfair, those enviro money pit projects for little ole Montana could be redirected to expand homelessness in kali, because, after all, don't they have the votes to override your silly little hunting selfishness, sorry hypocrisy?