Ah, I see Steven the gutless little turd is back again to do some more free advertising of his highly over-priced classes. Steven has been doing his free advertising here for years. I never said anything, even though I always thought he was a pompous condescending little prick who offered very little here other than his own self-promotion. Steven would typically be gone for long periods, and then reappear shortly before starting another free advertising campaign.

I began mentioning Steven's use of this site for free advertising after he launched a personal attack on me. Steven also suggested that everyone here should use the IGNORE function to IGNORE my posts. Steven didn't like me confronting one of his Liberal pals who religiously supports anti-gun Liberal Democrats, and who attacks pro-gun Republicans.

When I mentioned Steven's free advertising gimmick last year, he went ballistic. All of his vulgar original comments were later deleted by him when he vowed to never return. Money must be tight because he's back for more free advertising.

Originally Posted By: keith
Steve's back! Must be time to use Dave's forum for a little more free advertising.

It would be inappropriate for Trinidad or any other gunsmithing school to advertise their services here, and it would be inappropriate for a gun book author to use this site as a vehicle of free advertising to promote and sell their books. But SDH-MT must think he is special.

Stevie hasn't been around for a while. But I was sure he'd come back when he had more classes to hawk or more books to sell.

I came across a post from our host and forum administrator Dave Weber where he stated how much it pisses him off when people take advantage of him by using his forum for free advertising.

Steven's response was to call me on my phone on Feb. 2, 2019 at 3:07 PM from (406)-222-9377 in Livingston Montana.

He sounded drunk as a skunk, slurring his words badly, and was extremely vulgar and repeatedly made physical threats, and threats to engage in doxxing my personal information. He kept telling me to suck his dick, etc., until I reminded him he doesn't have one, or any balls either. We had a really nice chat for 2 minutes and 18 seconds. This is the small sick threatening spineless little man that so many here seem to idolize. He confirmed every negative thing that anyone ever said about him here, and much more. All this because he resents me bringing up his use of this forum for free advertising.

Of course, I responded to this gutless little worm in my soft and kind demeanor. I told him that Montana was not far enough away if he followed through on any of his threats. I then proceeded to tell him how I would deal with him. By the time our conversation ended, his voice was cracking and quivering in fear, and he sounded like he was pissing himself. He hung up very quickly after that.

A number of guys who frequent this sub-forum later PM'd me to thank me for taking on this spineless little turd. A couple told me about meeting him in person at gun shows, etc., where he was hawking his books. They said he was so drunk he was barely able to lift his head. Of course, I saved those communications along with the phone record of him calling to threaten me.

I wonder what makes his classes worth $1650.00 ??? Maybe he teaches students binge drinking and making gutless threats. Perhaps one could learn to be a coward in one week. Full time tuition at Harvard is $46,340.00 per year, two semesters of 15 weeks each. The cost for the same number of weeks of Steven's classes would be $49,500.00

Wow, and to think he refused to do his advertising in the proper For Sale forum where he might be obligated to pay Dave a little cut. Just my opinion, as always, and based strictly upon what I see here, plus Steven's personal threats made toward me. I hope to meet him one day, to you know, discuss that.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.