Right Stevie...

You would miss your pal Steven, and the free advertising for his over-priced stock making classes. You and he have the exact same amount of integrity and class. Both of you tried to intimidate me with threats of internet doxxing. Steven made physical threats as well... threats that a gutless little worm like him could never back up.

It is most interesting that a number of the F.A.G.'s (Fake-Ass-Gentlemen) here, such as the Preacher and Miss Manners herself, Gladys Kravitz, never saw anything wrong with stuff like that. How utterly wrong it is for me to even mention it!... or the good and knowledgeable people that you worms have driven away.

Oh yeah Stevie, this forum is really missing a sick spineless bastard who would actually make extremely vulgar threatening phone calls as a form of retaliation for someone pointing out his free advertising. You do internet doxxing, and Steven resorts to threatening phone calls. That pretty much makes you a lot like him, and just as cowardly. And only another gutless free advertiser like you would miss him, and defend that sick behavior. You're a brave one Stevie... Your children must be proud of you. Oh wait. I forgot... Fruits like you don't have children. Nevermind.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.