Floyd was entertaining out of town family today and Stan came off the bench and agreed to join Team MuttPak in the woods for woodcock. It was a great day with great company and outstanding dog work. We were in the birds including one coveyrise over a solid point courtesy of Abby and Willa. I anticipated a woodcock but the coveyrise proved otherwise. It doesn't get any better than today for woodcock around these parts. Stan's holding his 28 ga. Verona O/U and shot very well with it. I lugged the Ithaca SKB 100 20 ga. For Team MuttPak, Gil.
The lowlight was when Willa pointed into a low bramble thicket, tunneled in and a wild sow ran out the back end leaving piglets. The squealing started and Abby joined in the fray. They ignored my commands (a lot of "come @#$%") and whistle blowing which they ignored until I turned up the Ecollar juice. Willa's head shot up and out holding a piglet sideways in her jaws like an oversized pulled-pork sandwich on a bun. When I juiced her, she looked at me startled, dropped the piglet and both she and Abby came to me running. I hate those hogs and we got lucky. Glad the sow chose to flee and not attack. That's why the MuttPak is clad in Kevlar cut vests when we hunt woodcock.

Last edited by GLS; 12/22/19 06:56 PM. Reason: added hog incident