Merry Christmas to all of you and thanks for the education over the last 4 years. Here are two ornaments under the tree but to be added to it.
-- The Shotgun was supposed to be o/u but turned out to be a SxS...for youngest son when he makes up his mind between the Beretta and Browning (leaning towards the Browning at the moment). The money for the gun is squirreled away.
-- Second son is a Kayaker...white water, Kayak polo (National Champion last year) and sea Kayak in the inner sounds from Seattle up to Nome. He already bought himself a used red Kayak for use on the east coast so that is just a reminder...present already delivered. (You might remember a couple of years ago we discussed a gun for that kayak up in Alaska and I finally got him an 870 Marine Magnum...impervious to salt water + firepower).
(both also get some pretty hefty meteorites brought back from the Sahara Desert). It'll be a blessed Christmas.

Maybe I should have given that SxS ornament to myself...good luck charm on finding 26854.

Last edited by Argo44; 12/19/19 09:32 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch