$65.00 for speeding is dirt cheap. Be thankful you weren't driving in a State with a Liberal Left Democrat controlled legislature. The absolute lowest fine for a moving violation in my state is $120.00 for not using your turn signal. Speeding will lighten your wallet at least another $40.00.

I fought a speeding ticket a the District Magistrate level several years ago, and lost. Then I appealed it to the Common Pleas Court level, and lost again. Both judges totally disregarded evidence, and the certificate of calibration for the speed timing device was both expired and totally invalid. But I was representing myself, and got the satisfaction of tying up a Courtroom in the County Courthouse, the Judge, Prosecutor, a bailiff, a stenographer, and the cop who ticketed me, for over an hour and fifteen minutes. Their combined wages exceeded my fine. I was going to appeal further to Superior Court, but when I went to file the appeal, I was informed that even if I won, my court costs were not refundable. And the costs were equal to the fine. In other words, the deck is stacked against you whether you pay a lawyer or not. Even if you win, you still lose. But it was entertaining and educational... And I had a lot of fun pissing off the cop and the prosecutor. The judge kept telling me wouldn't grant my numerous motions for dismissal on the grounds that they were incompetent. But I think he agreed with me, and delayed his ruling. I was informed by mail three months after the hearing. Thought I nailed it. Damn.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.