Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
A lot of the buyer's remorse around here comes right after you post pictures of the new gun you are so proud of and someone nitpicks it to smithereens just for the fun of it...Geo

Yeah Geo, and it gets even worse when someone like Crying Bob posts pics of an expensive gun that he doesn't even own... And then doesn't respond to a question as to whether he had shot it.The real nitpicking started when he was forced to admit that it didn't really belong to him. But it wasn't the gun that got nitpicked to smithereens. It seems that fake buyers remorse can be worse than actual buyers remorse. I really enjoyed that one!

I do like Craig's idea of using MDF rather than plywood as a backer for this map. Either way, the tough part is getting a seam that isn't visible since the map is 5 feet wide. That alone makes Clapper Zapper's suggestion to use foam board a viable option too. The light weight of closed cell foam board would be nice too. What I don't know is whether that storm window shrink film is available in sheets over 5 feet wide.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.