Geo, I think you have identified one of the problems for survival of the southern bobwhite. Lack of cover in general leaves them exposed to predators. Our soybeans are planted in the wheat crop stubble and soybeans stubble is left. Not that it provides much cover, but it does provide limited feeding.
Wheat is planted behind peanuts and grain sorghum.

Trying to make a living off the land and managing for quail is a difficult task. I try to balance the two as well as I can. Non productive areas are left for the birds, woods are burned on a three year rotation, nest predators are controlled where feasible and feed is spread on a two week rotation year round. While I will never have the numbers that the plantations in the area have, I have seen the population of wild birds increase over the last 10 years.

I know your post wasn't meant to be critical, I just wanted to provide some options that we can do to help gentleman bob.