But imagine how nice the sunset must look over the squalor of the homeless encampment in San Francisco, posted by CptCurl.

California has been controlled by anti-gun Democrats for decades.

These are the same Democrats who repeatedly promise to tax the rich and bring the poor out of poverty... to equal the playing field.

Yet California has the highest number of homeless of all the states. California also has the highest number of Billionaires in the United States.

And the people of California will continue to follow the path outlined by Nudge. They will fall for all the empty promises from their Democrat leaders. They will believe that the sky is falling because of minute changes in climate that have occurred for as long as the earth has had an atmosphere. They will be like the battered woman who keeps going back to her abusive lover until he finally kills her.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.