OK, so when do you plan to ask Dave Weber how many threads he has deleted at my request nca225?

You are afraid to answer the questions I asked you, and you are afraid to ask Dave to confirm your conspiracy theory.

We would also like to hear your conspiracy theory for why you feel that Dave Weber would lie for me. If I was really and truly embarrassing myself with my posts, I would probably be acting like you and Stevie. I would be evading answering both of you and your comments, and I would probably be twisting and making up wild-assed stories about Dave Weber.

Here's another question for you to run from. Why do you think rocky mtn bill is concerned about my name calling, but not yours or Stevie's or Mustela frenata's? Enquiring minds want to know.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.